Importance of Management Education

Dr. Rudra Rameshwar delivering epxert lecture to students of PHONICS Roorkee.

Dr. Rudra Rameshwar, Assistant Professor, LM Thapar School of Management, Thapar University, Dera Bassi Campus Mohali India delivered an expert lecture in Seminar Hall of PHONICS Group of Institutions Roorkee, Haridwar, Uttarakhand, India on 21st Oct 2016. He talked about some common questions related to Management Education like "Why would someone pursue graduate management education?", "Requirement of management degree holders?", "Implication to society of management?", and "Why Management education is growing day by day".
  1. Management needs skills and attributes.
  2. Recruiter takes 25 second to select a resume for particular post.
  3. Actually Management skills cannot be taught in a formal education. 
  4. Soon Technology will make its way into every classroom. 
  5. Acute shortage of credible Faculty. 
  6. MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) are available to provide education to everyone. 
  7. One in five undergraduate go for Management.
Winners Does: Experiment, Manage product portfolio, Adapt Curriculum, Invest in partnership, and Collaborate.

Note: ​Don't waste your energy, Upgrade your knowledge, Come out of wonder world, Continue your work, and have learning attitude. 

"Most important thing is "What We Offer"."

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